Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Why Healthcare Is So Expensive in America

Every time we go to the doctor’s office or the hospital, we get a bill mailed to us a few weeks after. We pay the bill and never question how the number came to be. Why is healthcare in the U.S. so expensive?

According to a study done by Brookings Institute, Americans go to the doctor less often than other countries. Americans may have certain health problems, but due to the huge bills after, Americans have decided against going to see the doctor often, especially those who simply can’t afford it. 

One reason American health care may be so expensive is that the American healthcare system has more specialists than other countries. Specialists typically earn more than physicians, which could increase the spending on our healthcare system. Another reason may be that the health care system in America spends more money on administrative and pharmaceutical costs. The U.S. spent about $1400 per capita on pharmaceuticals comparatively to Sweden who spent about $750 per capita.

Although U.S. healthcare is expensive, other countries also face long wait times for treatments. The U.S. had the best record for treating heart attacks and strokes. However, in 2016, 10% of Americans still did not have health insurance. Congress has worked towards helping Americans regarding the healthcare system. After the Affordable Care Act passed, more Americans are able to afford healthcare. 

Healthcare has been a prominent issue in the U.S.. Without the decrease in healthcare bills, it will cost more lives. 



  1. This is a very informative blog! I understand both sides of the argument, but I do believe there are ways to find middle ground where we can provide free, or at least cheaper healthcare, for everyone to see a basic physician.

  2. The cost of healthcare in America is a big issue - so big that it has formed one of the pillars of presidential election campaigns for many years. Administrative costs are also a big factor in the high cost of healthcare in America. Determining how to meet varying insurance requirements is a full time job and requires lots of billing specialists. There is no easy solution, but clearly we must work toward lowering the cost so good healthcare is a viable option for all Americans.


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