Trump himself must first be held responsible for his inconsistent messaging and delayed/objectively incorrect decision-making. Firstly, Obama and Team warned Trump of a predicted global pandemic arising soon, and yet Trump within a year disbanded the US Pandemic Response team to "cut costs". Oh no, what would the US Defense be without that extra cash for Viagra? Then, Trump rejected a large supply of tests from the World Health Organization (WHO) knowing full well that the US government was not prepared to provide any. On top of that, he denied the potential severity of the disease and its outbreak, promoted racism against Asians and Asian-Americans, encouraged the "liberation" of states with coronavirus orders, and waited to speak and regulate until the virus had reached too many to control it and support those affected.
Ron de Santis, the current Florida governor, is a close Trump ally and leads the state that just barely voted red in 2016. In recent days and weeks, de Santis has made an absolute fool out of the sunshine state by closing public spaces far too late and opening up beaches prematurely. Just three days prior to reopening the beaches, Florida had a death spike from coronavirus.
The part I always find funny is that these people put their entire argument on the economy. Yes, there will be a point at which the economy cannot handle these restrictions, but there is far worse damage that will come should we take any of this too lightly. And there will be long-term political costs for Republicans—Biden is already leading Trump in many key swing states that went red in 2016 (Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin). Maybe the Blue Wave consequence will not show in its fullest even this election, what with Congresspeople forcing votes while enforcing stay-at-home orders and completely alienating a huge group of Democratic voters, but that wave is coming. And I can't wait.
I think you're probably right. There is definitely a large group of voters who vote based on how the economy has done and Trump in particular seemed to gouge how well he was doing based on the economy.