Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Dismal Science of Microeconomics, Which Supports... Freedom?

A very dismal scientist once roamed this Earth, and his name was Thomas Malthus.  We briefly discussed his less-than-optimistic economic views regarding the issue of limited supply and forever-increasing demand.

Supposedly, years ago, Scottish writer/philosopher Thomas Carlyle labeled microeconomics as the "dismal science".  But his reasoning for the terminology is far from what most associate it with: most recognize that economics can be dismal when we play out its eventualities, such as the detrimental effects of globalization on manufacturing jobs.  However, Carlyle was referring to a very different aspect of economics: that which states that people should assume visible independence held back by nothing but their resources.  Supply and demand oppose the concept of slavery, and Carlyle ultimately found that to be the "disappointing" reality as decided by the science of economics.  He wanted white plantation owners to force black plantation workers into servitude, free of charge, and economics disagreed with him.

It actually sounds like a pretty cool science to me.

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