Many of you have probably heard someone say that chapstick makes your lips more chapped, and this is true. Most lip balms include hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which both remove moisture from your skin. This can be offset by an occlusive agent, but only medicated or high-end lip balms include this. There are also several other ingredients in most chapsticks that make your lips drier over time, including phenol, menthol, camphor, and salicylic acid. Fragrances in chapsticks can also agitate sensitive skin.
It is pretty messed up that chapstick companies do this, but also makes sense. If they fully solved your problem of chapped lips, you wouldn't buy their products anymore! So they keep you trapped in a vicious cycle of buying more and more chapstick.
Some alternatives to chapstick that won't leave your lips dried out include lanolin, coconut oil, castor oil, shea butter, and aloe vera gel. There are also several ways to keep lips moist without putting anything on them. One is to stop licking your lips, as you probably know because it ends up making them drier after some temporary relief. Another is to just make sure you are always hydrated. This is easy to do but also easy to forget. Using methods such as these, you can cut back a lot on how much you spend on lip products.
I had no idea that lip products are actually making people's lips drier instead of moisturizing them! I guess it makes sense since the companies want to make more money, but I wonder if this would be considered illegal in any sense because if the products are having the opposite effect of what their purpose is supposed to be. I read that there was a lawsuit filed against the EOS company that has a lot of lip products. It was said that the EOS lip balm was causing peoples skin to crack, bleed, and blister. So should these companies still be allowed to sell their products with such damaging chemicals within them?