How many times have you gone outside since school got cancelled? A lot of us may be like me, who goes out maybe for 2 hours once every 4 days and spends the rest of the time eating, sleeping, or working. Though these three activities are part of our regular routine, something is missing: exercise.
When it comes to exercise, many of us prefer to go to the gym or jog outside. However, obviously, we are sheltered-in-place. We are highly discouraged to even step outside, so using equipment that other people's sweaty bodies have touched may not be the wisest thing to do at this moment. Without our regular exercising grounds, unless we have that equipment at home, a lot of our regular exercises are eliminated. There are always work-outs we could do at home but they just don't feel the same.
Due to this change, it's predictable that people will want to exercise as soon as this sheltering is over. Bit by bit, people are going to start slowly returning to the gym. Unless researchers come up with a cure for corona, at first, people will be reluctant to return to the gym so quickly because of fear of the virus. After a while, as our days start to go back to normal with returning work/school and as more stores open, the priority of physical fitness will increase within us. Many of us will start hitting the gym again, and perhaps people who hadn't had memberships before will buy one. The demand for memberships will go up, and prices may as well if gyms see this as an opportunity to make money. After all, less exercise for us also means that gyms are struggling to make money. This will be their point of return.
One way we can avoid getting caught up in this chaos is by taking care of our bodies right now. Even if we can't jog outside or lift, there is plenty we can do at home. This way, we will benefit not only physically, but economically as well.
As you noted, there is not much to do inside so a lot of people gravitate towards constant snacking. Also as we learned in Weight of the Nation, it is cheaper to buy junk food rather than fresh produce, which is not always available to people. Since many people are being laid off or are not able to earn their income during this time period, junk food will be the cheaper, more sensible option. This overconsumption and overconsumption of unhealthy food could be another factor that increases the demand in gym memberships once they open.